Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Queen

We watched The Queen tonight. I was quite impressed - I thought it was a great movie! Of course, I am a Diana junkie and really enjoy hearing about the royal family. Tahd wasn't quite as impressed as I was. But since the Olympics ended, I had to think of something else to do with my time, and this movie seemed like a good substitution!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

More goals met!

I've done a few more goals! And I've realized that I think I'm going to have to be a lot more purposeful about meeting these goals if I'm going to complete them! Especially the reading ones. I think I picked too many books!

We recently watched Michael Clayton. It was good! I enjoyed it! And I have rented The Queen to take with us on the trip we're taking this week. I've wanted to watch it for a while now and haven't gotten around to it.

We also picked a bed for ds. It was a black metal bed from Crate and Barrel. The price was right, and when I saw it in person, I really liked it! He was none to impressed with the fact that we were changing things around, but he is settling in, even though he still says he doesn't like it when asked. We haven't quite finished his room yet, but we're working on it!

Finally, I'm crossing off the one about investigating why my spotting doesn't stop. I think we may have found the answer!!! When I had my annual exam earlier this summer, I talked about it to my obgyn, and he suggested that we do an exploratory hysteroscopy to see if I had any uterine polyps. We scheduled the surgery for late July, and at that time he found that I did, in fact have some polyps. Those are removed now, and I have already noticed a difference. Hopefully it sticks around!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Quick update - a few more goals!

So I went to Woodman's on Monday and did my grocery shopping. On my other blog, I'm working on a 21 Days of Nothing challenge where we are strictly limited on our spending. The good news is that I ended up getting all my groceries for $36! Shocking! And I feel like we have everything we need and a bit we want. I'm thrilled! I like Woodman's. It's confusing, but I think that's mostly because I've never shopped there before. The layout is a bit different. But with the low prices, I think I need to get used to it!

Also, I had my ob/gyn appointment on Monday, and I talked to my doctor about my ongoing spotting. We have decided to pursue a minor surgery - a hysteroscopy - to see if there are any polyps in my uterus. Hopefully we'll get some information from that! I'm not crossing it off until I've had the hysteroscopy and we get the information from that. I'm a little bit nervous because it will involve a general anesthetic, which I've never had before. Hopefully it'll go well!

Friday, June 13, 2008


I thought of more things I want to do after reading Amanda's 1001 blog... I have to list them here to decide if I want to sub out anything.

I want to read all the Harry Potter books. I also want to read the Golden Compass books. I know that's not the name of them, but it'll help me remember which ones I want to read. My problem is I have WAY too many books to read in the next 1001 days!!! Yikes! I'd also like to start shopping at Aldi's and the local farmer's market. I think we'd get a lot more mileage out of our grocery budget, and I think it's better to buy local produce whenever possible. Do I ever do it? No, but I think I should! I know I'll come up with more.

In other good news, I finished a goal and didn't even realize I had finished it! I went to the chiropractor today. It was lovely! I can't wait to go back. I didn't have any treatments today - just talking and x-rays. I can't wait to see my x-rays. I have a huge fascination with the inside of the body. I should have gotten into something medical! I love seeing pictures of what's really going on.

Also, I am very close to settling on a bed for Gabe. Very close. It's hard for me to take the plunge, but I think we've just about settled on a metal bed from Crate and Barrel. It's nice and the price is right! Then we'll just need a mattress and we can finish the room conversions!

Oh - and my hair is getting closer and closer to the middle of my back. But it really needs a trim. It hasn't been trimmed in almost a year! Yikes! So that'll set me back a bit on that one.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Yoga Meditation Book

One of my favorite dates with Tahd is to go to Barnes & Noble, pick up a collection of books and magazines, and hang out on their couches reading. The last time I was there, I picked up Meditations from the Mat by Rolf Gates. I love it! There are 365 meditations, all about yoga - not just poses, but about the philosophy about yoga. It resonates with me so much!

One of my goals is to read the whole book, and I think I'm somewhere around the 50th meditation. I wish I could read the whole book overnight and absorb every bit of it. A yogic lifestyle seems like one that fosters a quiet, calm mind. I like that! Hopefully the more I read, the more that will be fostered in me.

Monday, June 2, 2008


I have decided I may have to get rid of a goal. Or I may have come close enough to fulfilling it. Not sure yet. I have to think on it. It's the "Places to Go" - Attend Summerfest goal.

This weekend we were celebrating my sister's birthday. Her husband threw her a surprise party, in which we ate at her favorite restaurant and then went downtown to a piano bar we all enjoy.

The complicating factor was Riversplash. Milwaukee seems to have festivals every weekend when it's not snowing, and Riversplash is a festival in which they close off certain streets downtown, set up stages, and bands play into the night. Bars set up kiosks on the street, and it's a big drunken love fest. Or at least a fest.

Anyway, while we were in the bar - sometime after 11:00 but before 12:00, we saw droves of people all running in one direction. Running. Frantically. It looked like a stampede. Then people starting ducking down behind the wooden bars and hiding behind brick work on buildings. Seriously. I was - to put it mildly - a little distressed to know that a mere pane of glass was separating me from whatever was going on outside.

Finally, one of the guys hiding behind the brickwork and in front of the window held up his hand in the shape of a gun. Apparently some moron lunatic had fired shots. Soon, the police arrived on their motorcycles to set up a rolling baricade, and equestrian officers followed. The intersection just in front of the bar was completely taped off with crime scene tape, and we could see them interviewing witnesses.

All of this about 50 feet from where I sat.

So I've decided that Milwaukee sucks, and I'm none too impressed with it. When we lived in Maine, I remember hearing a few stories about how mobs randomly beat unsuspecting citizens. It made national news. What is wrong with the people here??? Anyway, since Milwaukee is apparently unable to maintain reasonable control of itself in large groups, I'm not sure I want to attend Summerfest. I think it might end up being more of the same.

So Riversplash may sub in for Summerfest, and I may cross that one off my list.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


I finally completed my list! It took me more time than expected to put it into categories, and when I got it into categories I realized that I had some slight duplications. So I switched those around and published the list on the sidebar of my blog. Woot!

The good news is I've already completed one item! I bought a custom name for my personal blog. The title of my blog has always been "slightly cosmopolitan but profoundly ordinary." My url, however, was Didn't really relate! So I bought, and I'm loving it! I suppose it doesn't matter *that* much, but it makes me smile!

Monday, May 26, 2008

More things!

65. Go camping for more than 1 night.
66. Go to bed before 11:00 every night for 2 weeks.
67. Create a "Home Bible."
68. Do a tv fast for 1 week.
69. Go see a recording of Prairie Home Companion.
70. Build a patio in our back yard.
71. Try square foot gardening.
72. Learn to change a tire.
73. Shop at Woodman's.
74. Get a chimney cap.
75. Help dh build/create/paint bedside tables.
76. Finally select a "big boy bed" for ds.
77. Do some sort of more extended cleanse.
78. Go to a chiropractor.
79. Add red accents to our bedroom.
80. Move the peonies.
81. Paint pottery.
82. Give up the MOPS Coordinator position.
83. Bake a cake for someone who has hurt me.
84. Put new flooring in the bathroom.
85. Paint the bathroom vanity.
86. Go on an immensely romantic trip.
87. Explore why my spotting doesn't stop.
88. Grow my hair out so it reaches the middle of my back.
89. Buy a real blog name.
90. Purge my wardrobe of anything I haven't worn in 2 years.
91. Vote for Barack Obama.
92. Create 12 of my own "Extra Soul Support" slips.
93. Read all 365 of my yoga meditations.
94. Finish ds's "First Year" video.
95. Write my life story in less than a week.
96. Eat at the Melting Pot.
97. Attend Summerfest.
98. Get drunk
99. Create and maintain an emergency fund for 6 months.
100. Read my anatomy text book.
101. Make homemade salsa.

Yay! I did it! I'm going to reorganize my goals into categories so they're easier to keep track of, and I need to calculate when my 1001 days will end...

Okay - according to some random online calculator, my 1001 days will begin on Tuesday, 5/27/2008 and will end on Tuesday, 2/22/2011. Woot!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My list so far

This is still a work in progress, but it's what I have at this point. I was surprised at how hard it is to come up with 101 things I want to do. The thing that made it hard was the time constraint. There are tons of things I want to do. But to know I have to do them all in less than 3 years makes it a bit more challenging!

I'm going to put them here, and then I will update the list as I think of more. Eventually I will categorize them, too.

  1. Get pregnant or do IVF
  2. Go to Disney World
  3. Buy a car
  4. Eliminate credit card debt
  5. Have a BMI of 21 or less
  6. Qualify for Sterling Club
  7. Decorate my bedroom
  8. Refinish our stairs
  9. Paint the hall
  10. Get a wooden play set
  11. Create a recipe binder
  12. Achieve star leader
  13. Take a yoga class
  14. Go to Vegas
  15. Go to the Caribbean
  16. Get a badminton set
  17. Get a chair and a half
  18. Run a race
  19. Run 10 miles at once
  20. Go to Body Worlds
  21. Get my scrapbook up to date
  22. Qualify for SOAR
  23. Read the entire Bible
  24. Save $5000
  25. Have a yard sale
  26. Take a cake decorating class
  27. Create a birthday reminder system
  28. Watch all the major Oscar films
  29. Fast
  30. Have family photos done
  31. Pay cash for Christmas
  32. Garden by the front yard light pole
  33. Somehow support the greater infertility cause
  34. Get off Zoloft
  35. Have a massage
  36. Have a facial
  37. Make fruit leather
  38. Take a bath
  39. Sew kitchen curtains
  40. Get more politically active
  41. Get Gabe's Canadian citizenship papers
  42. Make Christmas cookies and butter tarts
  43. Buy a beautiful bra in my correct size
  44. Throw a legends party
  45. Take a photography class
  46. Send a Christmas letter
  47. Visit California
  48. See a Broadway show
  49. Take a family camping trip
  50. Eat with chopsticks
  51. Go to a pro baseball game
  52. Buy some sort of designer clothing
  53. Try bubble tea
  54. Do a complete MAC eye makeover
  55. Go on a girls' weekend
  56. Go to the movies alone
  57. Pay it forward at Starbucks
  58. Have a bra fitting
  59. Do our own "One Winter Morning on Plum Street"
  60. Go on a weekend getaway at a bed and breakfast with dh
  61. Ask my parents 100 questions
  62. Fix and finish our basement
  63. Read "To Kill a Mockingbird," "Grapes of Wrath," "Of Mice and Men," "The Catcher in the Rye," and "A Wrinkle in Time."
  64. Watch "The Matrix," "Sicko," "Mulholland Drive," "Brokeback Mountain," "Little Miss Sunshine," "Juno," "Michael Clayton," "The Queen," "Good Night and Good Luck," "Life is Beautiful," and "Shine."