Friday, August 7, 2009

Goals Update - Several at Once!

Take a bath - Not much to report here, I guess. It was a bath. In a hotel. With super hot water. In a huge tub. With bath salts. And I loved it. And coveted the bathtub. Good times.

Create a recipe binder - Again, done. It's very helpful. It's nice to be able to page through recipe cards rather than sort through stacks when I'm looking for something particular. It's nice that they're covered in plastic while in the page protectors. I am an extremely messy cook. The plastic helps. My problem? I have a TON of recipes. So I don't have every recipe in my book - even every recipe category right now. I had to cut myself off due to the sheer amount of money I was laying out for page protectors. But it's working well and it's a work in progress and I think it was a good plan.

Garden by the front yard light pole - Done. I did it and thought it was done, and then things didn't grow back. But this year, I didn't plant anything new and everything ended up growing and thriving. Ideally I'd like to do something a little more elaborate and pretty, but this is fine for now. I'm not interested in laying out more money to expand the garden in that particular area of the lawn.

Get pregnant or do ivf - Did the ivf. There's so much more to say about this, but it would take up too much space. I'm taking a pass on elaborating on this one and just saying "Done."

Get off Zoloft - I did this just after Christmas. Granted, I'm considering going back on - lol - but I did get off it and have been off it for about 7 months. Around Christmas, I had been periodically forgetting my pills. I do that sometimes, normally when I'm overwhelmed by the number of supplements I'm taking. Anyway, we went away for a few days and I had both forgotten to take my Zoloft for several days and had forgotten to bring my pills with me. So I just decided to go from there. I called my doctor to let him know my plan, which was fine with him. Then I proceded. Basically, my plan was to stretch out the interval between pills as long as possible. However, if I noticed a withdrawal symptom (for me, usually head rushes, nausea, and stuff like that), I took a pill right away. Like, within ten minutes if at all possible. As the length of time between pills began to increase, I started cutting the pills in half - and eventually in quarters. One day, I just realized I hadn't taken anything for a while and felt fine. It was good. This is the part I like about Zoloft - it didn't work that well for me this time around, but I knew it probably wouldn't be horrid to quit. It's still a chore and feels a bit risky and uncertain, but it's not horrific like it can be with some versions.

200 Blog Posts - I've definitely done this. I haven't kept precise count, but I'm nearly positive I'm closer to 300, not just 200.

That's it for now. I can see I may need to reassess a few other goals. But I'll save that for another day - maybe when I'm 75% done?

Almost Halfway Point - Reassessments

So I'm almost half-way through this project and haven't made very good progress! lol In examining my list, I've realized that some of my originally-established goals are either not possible or are things that aren't that important to me after all. Go figure. So I've decided to adjust my list of goals slightly. These are the goals I'm removing:

  • Places to Visit #2 and #10 - These are basically the same goal, so I'm combining them into one
  • Places to Visit #3 - After we went downtown for a different festival and there was a shooting outside the bar we were in, I vowed I would never go downtown for such an event again unless I thought my life would end if I didn't go. Summerfest doesn't fall in this category. I'm removing this goal.
  • Household Stuff #6 - I looked into moving the peonies, but what I read said that basically peonies are immovable. I've decided to leave them where they are.
  • Household Stuff #7 - Given the fact that we turned half our backyard into an actual garden, I have no remaining space in which to try square foot gardening. I'm removing this goal.
  • Volunteerism #1 - This is basically the same goal as Finances #5. I'm combining these goals.
  • Content to Consume #1, #2, and #5 - I really don't care about these anymore. I'll be replacing these.
  • Business Category - I'm removing all three of these. It's not that I don't want to accomplish these goals; it's more that I'm not sure where I want to go professionally, and I certainly know I won't be arriving at my destination in the next 500 days. I'll be replacing these.
So by my count, I'm eliminating 11 goals. So I need to come up with 11 more. I used Amanda's blog for some inspirations (and I almost directly stole a few ideas from her because they sounded perfect)! :)


1. Cut my hair short
2. Do another "no spend" month
3. Don't eat out for one month
4. Get rid of non-sentimental baby clothes
5. Get a tattoo
6. Take the train to Chicago
7. Take Gabe on an "adventure" everyday for a month
8. Decide what I want to do professionally... or when I grow up ;)
9. Have a picnic lunch or dinner at a local park
10. Try 5 new non-chain restaurants
11. Start a journal of some of my favorite childhood memories