Thursday, May 29, 2008


I finally completed my list! It took me more time than expected to put it into categories, and when I got it into categories I realized that I had some slight duplications. So I switched those around and published the list on the sidebar of my blog. Woot!

The good news is I've already completed one item! I bought a custom name for my personal blog. The title of my blog has always been "slightly cosmopolitan but profoundly ordinary." My url, however, was Didn't really relate! So I bought, and I'm loving it! I suppose it doesn't matter *that* much, but it makes me smile!


Anonymous said...

yay!! very nice!

love you

Anonymous said...

seriously, I HAVE to get a new AOL screenname!! lol

Amanda said...

CONGRATS!!! 1 down 100 to go!!!