Monday, May 26, 2008

More things!

65. Go camping for more than 1 night.
66. Go to bed before 11:00 every night for 2 weeks.
67. Create a "Home Bible."
68. Do a tv fast for 1 week.
69. Go see a recording of Prairie Home Companion.
70. Build a patio in our back yard.
71. Try square foot gardening.
72. Learn to change a tire.
73. Shop at Woodman's.
74. Get a chimney cap.
75. Help dh build/create/paint bedside tables.
76. Finally select a "big boy bed" for ds.
77. Do some sort of more extended cleanse.
78. Go to a chiropractor.
79. Add red accents to our bedroom.
80. Move the peonies.
81. Paint pottery.
82. Give up the MOPS Coordinator position.
83. Bake a cake for someone who has hurt me.
84. Put new flooring in the bathroom.
85. Paint the bathroom vanity.
86. Go on an immensely romantic trip.
87. Explore why my spotting doesn't stop.
88. Grow my hair out so it reaches the middle of my back.
89. Buy a real blog name.
90. Purge my wardrobe of anything I haven't worn in 2 years.
91. Vote for Barack Obama.
92. Create 12 of my own "Extra Soul Support" slips.
93. Read all 365 of my yoga meditations.
94. Finish ds's "First Year" video.
95. Write my life story in less than a week.
96. Eat at the Melting Pot.
97. Attend Summerfest.
98. Get drunk
99. Create and maintain an emergency fund for 6 months.
100. Read my anatomy text book.
101. Make homemade salsa.

Yay! I did it! I'm going to reorganize my goals into categories so they're easier to keep track of, and I need to calculate when my 1001 days will end...

Okay - according to some random online calculator, my 1001 days will begin on Tuesday, 5/27/2008 and will end on Tuesday, 2/22/2011. Woot!